1CER Update

1st Field Squadron, 1st Combat Engineer Regiment
1 Field Squadron RAE Association.
Dear 1 Fd Sqn Associations,
The Squadron continues to set and exceed high standards – which is due to the drive and dedication
that every member displays whilst being “Ready, Professional, Proud”. This started with the annual
mandatory training requirements and individual courses to achieve our baseline readiness, which then
flowed into Section Level training designed and ran exceptionally well by the Corporals.
Shortly after this, the Federal Government announced that the ADF would be undertaking OP AGED
CARE ASSIST – and the Squadron took the lead for 1 CER to deploy 100 personnel into Western
Australia. Whilst we did not deploy the Squadron into WA, we deployed a team of five into Alice
Springs and another team of five into Sydney to augment Independent Medical Teams assisting aged
care facilities. This then evolved into five more personnel supporting in Sydney and two personnel in
Perth. Concurrently, the Squadron deployed 10 personnel on OP FLOOD ASSIST in Lismore, and 10
personnel to the Philippines as part of the Joint Australian Training Team – Philippines. This saw 37
personnel (close to half the Squadron) supporting Domestic and Security Cooperation Operations.
Whilst supporting these operations, the Squadron also completed a range of valuable training. The
limited number of personnel in the Squadron provided an opportunity to integrate the Marine
Rotational Force – Darwin engineers into our activities. This was at the forefront during Ex
AMPHIBIAN CRAWL, where Marines assisted in the construction of a Medium Girder Bridge and
participated in a 90km zodiac infill to an objective to conduct Engineer Reconnaissance – thus helping
the Squadron commence its journey towards Littoral Operations, the vision Army has for the 1st
Brigade in Darwin.
The next activity, Ex AMPHIBIAN WALK, allowed sappers to hone their search and demolition skills
and incorporated Marine EOD and explosive detection dog handlers from the Malaysian Armed
Forces. The search activities focused on civilian facilities in a scenario that saw an explosive threat
present in the lead up to major sporting events. The demolitions serials allowed for various munitions
to be destroyed through explosive hazard reduction, and for sappers to reacquaint themselves with a
variety of breaching charges.
Most recently, the Regiment deployed into the field for Ex GOANNA CANTER at Mount Bundey
Training Area – something that has not been possible since 2020 due to a range of issues. During this
exercise, the Squadron conducted offensive and defensive mounted manoeuvre, established obstacles
and a company defensive position, conducted route search, and culminated with a urban clearance.
Overall – a great activity for the entire Regiment that reinforced the importance of collective training
in the field environment.
As always, we pass on our best wishes to all former members of the squadron and their families.
Yours sincerely
Peter Witcomb.
Officer Commanding, 1 Field Squadron